Firefighters bring cat back from death


Firefighters in Syracuse, New York, recently risked their lives to save a feline that was trapped in a burning building. A two-family, two-story apartment building was filled with smoke when firefighters arrived on the scene, according to The firefighters were quickly able to assess the problem and get the fire under control. "They forced their way in, quickly located the fire and kept it from spreading," Syracuse deputy fire chief, Stephen Cavuto, told the news provider. No humans were present when the fire began. After the flames were put out, rescuers found two unconscious house cats that were affected by the smoke. After bringing the two cats out into fresh air, firefighters quickly tried to revive them. Unfortunately, the large black cat was unresponsive and pronounced dead. The rescuers quickly got to work on the small gray and black cat named Tigger. Firefighters placed an oxygen mask on the feline's face and caressed the small cat. Luckily, Tigger came around and has returned to normal cat health since. According to the Daily Times, some fire departments have special oxygen masks designed to help pets exposed to smoke. ADNFCR-2720-ID-19665038-ADNFCR

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